We strongly endorse community readiness and preparedness to deal with emergencies and disasters. To that end we host the following activity:   


In conjunction with the Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES), we conduct a roll call every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. to practice reporting and relaying information during times of emergency and disaster. NOTE: As of 5 October 2022, the ARES net has been modified to include Skywarn Practice and Data Reporting.

This net is held on the ARA repeater we are privileged to be using, located on Mount Elden, frequency 146.980 with a negative offset and a pl tone of 162.2  In the event of repeater failure, the net will be conducted 146.980 simplex, with close in stations relaying for outlying stations.  Visitors and newcomers to the area are always welcome and strongly encouraged to participate in this net.

For additional information on the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service, click on the link below or contact the Local Emergency Coordinator - Coconino County, AZ: Joe Hobart, W7LUX - W7LUX@ARRL.NET

ARES Manuals and Training Material: ARES Manuals       

SKYWARN Information: SKYWARN       

The following files will help those interested in being a Net Control Station.  

ARES/SKYWARN Net Reference Material:  

        weekly ARES/SKYWARN Net Script     NET SCRIPT     

        weekly ARES/SKYWARN Net Roster    DOWNLOAD      VIEW     

         ARES Communications Log   (Landscape)    (Portrait)   



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