View Photos & descriptions of past events hosted or participated in by CARC.

The photographs and other items in these albums are provided for your enjoyment. They were taken by and remain the exclusive property of individuals. In general, the materials are reduced in resolution and may have been altered from the original. If you would like to make use of an item or obtain an original-resolution photo, please contact the individual who supplied the photo or send your request to . If you find an item that should not be displayed on (for example, a photo in which you appear), please identify the item via  and it will be promptly removed. Thank you for your patience.

Field Day 2014

September 2014 55K (Was 100 Mile Race) Finish at Cedar Ranch

4 Oct 2014 Flagstaff Ultra Runs

11 Oct 2014 Soulstice Trail Run

2014 Pictures from VE Tests

8 November 2014 Girls on the Run 5K

Field Day 2015

2015 Flagstaff to Grand Canyon Bike Ride

2015 Big Brothers/Big Sisters 5K and Half Marathon

2015 Flagstaff to Grand Canyon 100 Mile and 55K Runs

2016 NPA Balloon -- preliminary

2016 Girls On The Run

2017 Field Day

2018 Field Day

                 Field Day 2009

Home show 2010

Schulz Fire (June 2010) Photos

Field Day 2010

Field Day 2011

NPA to ISS Radio Contact 2012

Field Day 2012