Nestled in the high country of Northern Arizona at the base of the San Francisco Peaks, Flagstaff Arizona is home to the Coconino Amateur Radio Club (CARC). The CARC includes members in the city of Flagstaff, Coconino County and much of Northern Arizona. We meet monthly on the second Thursday of every month except December. The meetings are open to all licensed amateur radio operators, prospective amateur radio operators or anybody just interested in learning more about amateur radio and what we do as a club.
Club Established: A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far away.
Club Call Sign: N7FLG (was KC7KCN)
Trustee: Erwin S Perelstein, KE7QFI - - mailto:
Trustee Mailing Address: 3112 E. Butler Ave. Flagstaff, AZ 86004, APT # 326
Meetings: Second Thursday (7:00 PM) of every month except December. - - Calendar
Meeting Location: We meet both in person and over Zoom monthly. Please send an email to and ask for the the
Zoom or physical address of the meeting if you would like to attend. Members are informed of the meeting location and Zoom link prior to every meeting.
In the event of adverse weather, we will meet exclusively over Zoom.
Contact: Janice Enloe, KI6WCK - - mailto:
NEXT LICENSE EXAMs: - - Licensing and Exam Sessions
Current Membership: 49 members - - Club Roster
Dues: $25.00 Single, $30.00 Family. Dues are payable 1 January.
Membership Application/Renewal Form:
2025 Fillable PDF
2025 PDF
2025 DOC
CARC Trailer Usage Agreement - Login Required: Fillable PDF PDF
President: | Janice Enloe, KI6WCK | mailto: |
Vice-President: | Morgan Conklin, KI7WTS | mailto: |
Secretary: | John Nelson, N7MLS | mailto: |
Treasurer: | Ken Held, W7SS | mailto: |
PIO: | Daniel Shearer, N7YIQ | mailto: |
ARES DEC: | Joe Hobart, W7LUX | mailto: |
Newsletter: | Open | mailto: |
VE Testing: | Steve Jones, AJ7TAS | mailto: |
Training: | Steve Jones, AJ7TAS | mailto: |
Trustee: | Erv Perelstein, KE7QFI | mailto: |
Mail Lists: | Morgan Conklin, KI7WTS | mailto: |
Web Page: | Lou Arminio, W7KFT | mailto: |
This site is dedicated to Mike Blair KF7BRW:SK Who originally created IT!